2010 수입상품 전시회, 박람회 - 한국수입업협회, 수입상품, 수출상품, koima, 대사관, 상무관, korea, import, export, igf
2010 수입상품 전시회, 박람회 - 한국수입업협회, 수입상품, 수출상품, koima, 대사관, 상무관, korea, import, export, igf Import Goods Fair is held in Korea in every year. But it's not big fair. Just some representitives from some countries participate in this fair. But it's good chance to have a lot of catalogues relating culture and products of every countries. (View the web site of IGF) 2010 수입상품 전시회가 열렸습니다. 올해는 목적을 가지고 전시회로 갔습..